Saturday, August 25, 2012

Never be bored again!

Very often people (mostly young people) will post online that they are bored and don't know what to do with their time.

I have never felt that way. Ever. Even when I was young.

Here's my secret. Always have a creative project ongoing in your life.

It could be a painting, a novel or a poem. For me it was music, art and journalism. (Now video.) For some it could be work for a charity or a homeless shelter.

But no matter what it is, it must be something that moves you forward to a specific goal small increments at a time.

Free time becomes a precious gift to be used, not something to get through until the next Avengers movie comes out or your friends show up with the beer.

If your project is something that you can think about and plan about and dream about when you are standing in the line at the supermarket, you will never be bored.

Mike's words of wisdom for Saturday! :-)

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