Saturday, November 13, 2010

Novatest commercial

Check out my latest promo for Xero Limits.

It features Rodney Roller, my brother Dave Pulcinella and a young bodybuilder by the name of Xavier Velez.

Here's what the supplement company has to say about the product...

THE SEARCH IS OVER! The ultimate testosterone-boosting anabolic supplement is here at last! Thanks to extensive research and development, the scientists at Xero Limits have developed the most potent anti-aromatase complex ever created --
Extra Strength NOVATEST™!

Extra Strength NOVATEST represents a major advancement in the pharmakinetics of muscle-building testosterone optimization, made possible through the utilization of the revolutionary designer anti-aromatase complex Tri-Methyl-Flavone™. This next generation anti-aromatase complex features powerful methylated bioactives for unparalleled efficacy. NOVATEST's advanced QuickTek™ transmucosal delivery tablets improve absorption directly into the bloodstream for fast, powerful anti-aromatase action. NOVATEST's potent bioactivity helps to maximize testosterone, reduce estrogen and boost muscle building.

Extra Strength NOVATEST will push your physique to new levels of greater strength and muscular development than you ever believed possible. Maximize your bodybuilding and mass-building potential with the most comprehensive and powerful anti-aromatase testosterone optimizer available. Extra Strength NOVATEST takes the science of testosterone enhancement to a new level of excellence!

Learn more here...