Rodney “Raw Power” Roller, Xero Limits spokesman and roving reporter for, challenges himself to take his training further than he ever has before as he prepares for the 2010 North American Championships. His ultimate quest...a pro card.
What began as essentially an extended commerical for the Xero Limits H.U.G.E. Mass bulking up program (, morphed into something more and in “Rodney Roller: RAW” we get the inside scoop as Rodney, at 42 years of age, is challenged both physically and mentally.
“Rodney Roller: RAW” is an honest look at the humor, the mindset and the work ethic of one of the hardest working, strongest, funniest and most determined bodybuilders on the masters scene. In this documentary we get a raw look at a Rodney Roller that few have seen.
Watch as he accepts the Xero Limits challenge, subjects himself to greater pain and deprivation that he has ever known, battles injury and doubt and eventually triumphs as he steps on stage in the best shape of his life.
This is Rodney Roller: RAW.
CLICK HERE to view Part 1, "A different kind of pain."
This will be a 6 part series shown only on my Pulcinella Productions page on Muscular Development.
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