It's that time of year again! The countdown to the Stage Stormers' performances in August! I had a blast taping and editing the shows last year. Watching the joy on the childrens' faces while I edited the footage from our two cameras really made my job enjoyable.
Returning to shoot with me will be Jim Valentine for the Spring City show. My daughter Nicole (The Cat in the Hat from last year's Seussical) is also working with me this year and will be running the second camera for several shows and possibly helping with the editing. We also have Mary Crispin, a Communications major at Penn State, shooting and editing one of the shows (under my supervision, of course) for her portfolio.
I enjoy nurturing young talent. Both Mary and Nicole have already shown promise in videography and editing and I hope to be relying on their abilities in the future as Mike Pulcinella Video Productions expands.
I'll be posting stills and clips from the performances on this blog as the editing progresses so you might want to stop in here from time to time during the month of September and check 'em out. In the meantime I've set up Pre-Order buttons on the
DVDs for Sale page. You can use a credit card and PayPal or you can get the order forms from me at the performances and pay by cash or check, if you are more comfortable with that.
Good luck to all the actors and I'll see you at the shows!!